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General Terms

  • Tortuga is a non-smoking venue.

  • Sail Tortuga has a zero tolerance drugs policy. Failure to respect this policy will result in immediate return to shore, and the end of your booking regardless of how much time is left.

  • Like any sailing vessel, alcohol should be used wisely! We reserve the right to restrict alcohol consumption if there is any danger to you, others, the boat or our crew. On the subject of alcohol, red wine is not welcome and neither is alcohol related sickness!

  • The purpose of these General Conditions is to provide you with the necessary information for contracting the services offered by Sail Tortuga, and make available to you the pre-contractual information regarding charters & eFoiling with Sail Tortuga

  • Sail Tortuga may at any time and without prior notice, modify our prices & booking procedure. Bookings already in place will be honoured according to prices agreed at the time of booking.

  • In the event of cancelation by the customer our refund policy is; 100% with 5 weeks notice of the booking, 75% with 3 weeks notice of the booking, 50% with 2 weeks notice of the booking, cancelations within 2 weeks of the booking will not be refunded. If the original date needs to be cancelled, we are reasonable people and would aim to reschedule your booking date wherever possible.

  • In the event of cancellation by Sail Tortuga for whatever reason, a new date, voucher or refund will be offered.

  • Your booking is for a pre arranged date and time; Tortuga and her crew aim to be ready to depart on time. If for whatever reason you are late arriving and this delays our departure, we will not extend your booking. If for whatever reason we are unable to depart on time, your booking will be extended. Therefore we ask you to allow plenty of time to park and be ready, Tortuga is a 5 minute walk around the picturesque Portland Marina Pontoons.

  • If your booking is part of a mixed group, and not a private charter, and you are late to arrive, we are unable to wait for you as we have a timetable to keep. Refunds will not be offered and your trip is lost, sorry.

  • The first 5 minutes of all bookings is a mandatory safety briefing, during this briefing we expect you to inform us of any medical issues we should be aware of.

  • Our aim is to sail as much as possible, sadly the Anemoi (the Greek Gods of wind) don't always paly the game. If we need to use our engines to make a trip happen, we will when required.

  • Party size is important and we are unable to go to sea if your group size is too large. Please do not bring any un-announced guests, they might be staying on the dock. No pets allowed, sorry.

  • If your booking involves eFoiling please do not drink alcohol until your eFoil experience is over, our crew are unable to allow you to take control of the eFoil whilst under the influence of alcohol.

  • Sail Tortuga is covered by insurance, our 3rd party and passenger liability is covered up to £5,000,000. The use of our eFoils and Stand Up Paddleboards is covered by insurance, the maximum level of cover is £2,000,000.

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